Liquid Symbiosis
Designed for an up-and-coming professional photographer in the Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas Metroplex area. Liquid is the primary site to feature
the digital portfolio and serve as the point-of-contact for Anna Rosthal.
Anna had initially gone through three different designs, three web developers, and a little over three years worth of waiting before we met. The site began as
a project in User Centered Design and User Experience when I was able to provide her the resources that she needed as a client and instill trust that someone such
as myself would actually follow through to get it completed.
The site is a basic portfolio like site that displays some of Anna's photography skills and subject matters. Rather than using Flash as a presentation medium for
her photographs, Anna wanted something that was smooth and transitional like flash. Using jQuery I was able to accomplish this request. Future plans are in the
works to add additional features to it such as a blog, search feature, special permission / site accounts, and a full control CMS (content management system).
- Javascript
- jQuery